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10/8/2024, 5:27:46 PM

Characters Team by AI with ChatGPT and Dall·E 3

credits: @CharaspowerAI

Create your own team of epic characters! Start from this template and customize your team however you like.

A team of superhero characters stands ready for battle in a desert at the Burning Man festival. The central figure is a billionaire entrepreneur with the body of a giant and the helmet of a warrior. Accompanying them are 2 other characters, a bear riding a unicorn and a nymph. The group is enveloped in a smoke curtain pierced by red laser lights, infusing the scene with a sense of epic and anticipation.


AI tools

A team of ***genre or theme*** characters stands ready for battle in ***description place***. The central figure is a ***role*** with ***description of the main character***. Accompanying them are ***number and types of characters, each with a brief description***. The group is enveloped in a ***light description***, infusing the scene with a sense of epic and anticipation.

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